Our Daily routines at Glasser Preschool are set up designed to encourage a comforting and familiar rhythm to our children’s day. The school observes Jewish holidays and provides awareness of Jewish customs and traditions including visits to the Oak Park Temple Sanctuary.
Each classroom has its own Daily Plan, which is posted, in each classroom. Days are typically structured as follows:
Free Play, including Arts and Crafts tables with optional activities that frequently emphasize the week’s subject.
All children participate in Put Away Time, when all children participate in classroom cleanup.
Group Times includes songs and stories relating to the theme of the week. On Fridays we observe Shabbat. Science, cooking or movement exercises might also be incorporated at this time.
Snack Time. The children are encouraged to set up and clean up their snacks. The snack will be posted daily.
Large Motor Play. Outdoors if weather permits, or in our indoor play area.
Preparing for Departure. Coats on, final stories and songs, and farewells.
Teachers emphasize a smooth transition from one segment to the next.