It's hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close. Thank you to everyone - parents, children, and staff for making it such a great year. We are proud to say that Glasser Preschool raised $627.50 for MDA this year in our spring tzedakah project hopathon. If you have not already turned in your family surveys that you received a parent teacher conferences - please do so by the last day of school. Your input is helpful for us to make improvements to our school! There are some spaces still available to camp - if you are interested - please see Marci ASAP about availability.
Sunday, May 20th
Last Day of OPT Religious School
Monday, May 21st
Tuesday, May 22nd
Lunch (11:00 - noon)/Extended Day (11:00 - 1:15): chicken nuggets, corn, fresh melon
GPS Board Meeting 7:30 PM
The May GPS Board meeting is at 7:30 PM at Dan George's home. Interested in becoming more involved in your child's preschool? we are looking for new board members to join us for our next school year. If you are interested, please contact Marci or any GPS board member. The election for next year's board officers will be held at this meeting. The proposed slate is as follows: co-chairs Dan George & Annika Rothbaum, Secretary Kim Kramer, Treasurer Holly Utter, Fundraising/Social Joan Kohnke, Communications Katie Cohen, Ozerim Cortney Kutner
Wednesday, May 23rd
Last Day of GPS Classes
GPS Lunch (11:00 - noon): mac and cheese, local green beans, fresh orange slices, whole grain bread
Graduation at Glasser Preschool means a celebration of our whole preschool community marking the end of the school year [this is not just for the children who are moving on to Kindergarten]. We hope that everyone will be here for this special end to our school year. The children have been working hard on learning the songs for this presentation. Please bring your child to their classroom at 6 PM. Go to the Community Hall and put your picnic dinner on a table. Have a seat and at 6:15 PM the teachers will escort each class onto the stage. We will sing songs together and you are welcome to take pictures. Dinner will immediately follow. Bring your own picnic dinner for your family. We will provide beverages and dessert. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for this event: Vattana, Donoghue & Keith families.
Thursday, May 24h GPS Closed - Teacher In Service Day
Friday, May 25th
4th Friday Kabbalat Shabbat
Join OPT at 6 PM for wine and cheese, juice and cookies in the Rotunda followed by a Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6:30 PM. You'll be home to put the kids in bed by 7:30 PM. Please join us for a very special Shabbat service during which OPT will dedicate the beautiful chapel Torah (donated by Julie & Warren Green in memory of Marcia & Jerry Yugend). We'll also dedicate the exquisite new Torah mantle designed and created by artisan Alene Goren-Taylor.
Saturday, May 26th
Erev Shavuot
6:30 PM Ice Cream sundaes at Holley Court
7:30 PM Services at Oak Park Temple
8:15 - 10:15 PM Learning from Limmud
Monday, May 28th
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 20th
Last Day of OPT Religious School
Monday, May 21st
Tuesday, May 22nd
Lunch (11:00 - noon)/Extended Day (11:00 - 1:15): chicken nuggets, corn, fresh melon
GPS Board Meeting 7:30 PM
The May GPS Board meeting is at 7:30 PM at Dan George's home. Interested in becoming more involved in your child's preschool? we are looking for new board members to join us for our next school year. If you are interested, please contact Marci or any GPS board member. The election for next year's board officers will be held at this meeting. The proposed slate is as follows: co-chairs Dan George & Annika Rothbaum, Secretary Kim Kramer, Treasurer Holly Utter, Fundraising/Social Joan Kohnke, Communications Katie Cohen, Ozerim Cortney Kutner
Wednesday, May 23rd
Last Day of GPS Classes
GPS Lunch (11:00 - noon): mac and cheese, local green beans, fresh orange slices, whole grain bread
Graduation at Glasser Preschool means a celebration of our whole preschool community marking the end of the school year [this is not just for the children who are moving on to Kindergarten]. We hope that everyone will be here for this special end to our school year. The children have been working hard on learning the songs for this presentation. Please bring your child to their classroom at 6 PM. Go to the Community Hall and put your picnic dinner on a table. Have a seat and at 6:15 PM the teachers will escort each class onto the stage. We will sing songs together and you are welcome to take pictures. Dinner will immediately follow. Bring your own picnic dinner for your family. We will provide beverages and dessert. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for this event: Vattana, Donoghue & Keith families.
Thursday, May 24h GPS Closed - Teacher In Service Day
Friday, May 25th
4th Friday Kabbalat Shabbat
Join OPT at 6 PM for wine and cheese, juice and cookies in the Rotunda followed by a Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6:30 PM. You'll be home to put the kids in bed by 7:30 PM. Please join us for a very special Shabbat service during which OPT will dedicate the beautiful chapel Torah (donated by Julie & Warren Green in memory of Marcia & Jerry Yugend). We'll also dedicate the exquisite new Torah mantle designed and created by artisan Alene Goren-Taylor.
Saturday, May 26th
Erev Shavuot
6:30 PM Ice Cream sundaes at Holley Court
7:30 PM Services at Oak Park Temple
8:15 - 10:15 PM Learning from Limmud
Monday, May 28th
Memorial Day