This week at Glasser Preschool (12/16/13)
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 The winter chill has arrived!!! We try to go outside every day – so please make sure your children always have appropriate outdoor gear with them (mittens & hats daily and snow pants & boots when snow is on the ground). Also – please check their cubbies to make sure that their “spare” set of clothes is appropriate for the weather.
The Supply Fee for Second Semester is due when we return from winter break. The semester supply fee for your child’s class is as follows: Gan Katan (T/Th) $60, Gan Katan (MWF) $80; Lions/Zebras $95; Tigers/Bears $110. Please note that even if you paid your child’s tuition for the remainder of the year - this amount was not included. Please make checks payable to “Glasser Preschool.”
Sunday, December 15th
December gift card $$ Due
Monday, December 16th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): three cheese tortellini, local peas, pineapple chunks
Tuesday, December 17th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/SPARK (Noon to 1 PM): orange chicken, fresh broccoli, orange slices, brown rice
GPS Board Meeting
The December Glasser Preschool Board meeting is on Tuesday December 17th at 7:30 p.m. at Amelia Hardy’s home in Oak Park [NOTE NEW LOCATION!!!!]. All preschool parents and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend these monthly meetings.
Wednesday, December 18th Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/ Music (noon to 1 PM/2:30 – 3:30 PM): beef kabab bites, fresh carrots, applesauce, whole grain pita
Thursday, December 19th Lunch (11 AM to Noon): lemon chicken, local green beans, honeydew chunks. Whole grain bread
Friday, December 20th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): three bean chili, fresh cucumbers, fruit salad, elbow macaroni
Weekly GPS Parent Coffee
Friday mornings we will be having parent coffees in the rotunda. Stop by, hang out, socialize with other GPS parents and get to know other adults in our community a lot better!!!!! We’ll supply the coffee and we’ll rotate who bring treats.
Last Tots Class for 1st Semester 9:30 – 10:30 AM
Second semester tots class will start Friday February 14th. Sign up now to save a spot for your tot!!
Literacy Enrichment Class (2:30 – 3:30 PM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Tot Shabbat
We invite you and your family to join together monthly for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers, songs and stories appropriate for Shabbat. The Tot Shabbat service is lead by Rabbi Max Weiss and Cantor Julie Green. Tot Shabbat service will be alternating monthly between Friday evening services beginning at 7:00 PM and Saturday morning services beginning at 9:00 AM. Following both evening and morning services we will have an Oneg in the Youth Lounge. If you plan to attend please bring a nut free snack to share. Please join us for December’s Tot Shabbat on Friday, December 20th at 7PM. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for the Oneg (parents of Ruby Walker).
Winter Break
Glasser Preschool is closed from Monday January 23rd through Friday January 3rd. Classes Resume on Monday January 6th.
OPT Religious School is closed starting Sunday, December 22nd. Classes Resume on Sunday, January 5th.
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 The winter chill has arrived!!! We try to go outside every day – so please make sure your children always have appropriate outdoor gear with them (mittens & hats daily and snow pants & boots when snow is on the ground). Also – please check their cubbies to make sure that their “spare” set of clothes is appropriate for the weather.
The Supply Fee for Second Semester is due when we return from winter break. The semester supply fee for your child’s class is as follows: Gan Katan (T/Th) $60, Gan Katan (MWF) $80; Lions/Zebras $95; Tigers/Bears $110. Please note that even if you paid your child’s tuition for the remainder of the year - this amount was not included. Please make checks payable to “Glasser Preschool.”
Sunday, December 15th
December gift card $$ Due
Monday, December 16th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): three cheese tortellini, local peas, pineapple chunks
Tuesday, December 17th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/SPARK (Noon to 1 PM): orange chicken, fresh broccoli, orange slices, brown rice
GPS Board Meeting
The December Glasser Preschool Board meeting is on Tuesday December 17th at 7:30 p.m. at Amelia Hardy’s home in Oak Park [NOTE NEW LOCATION!!!!]. All preschool parents and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend these monthly meetings.
Wednesday, December 18th Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/ Music (noon to 1 PM/2:30 – 3:30 PM): beef kabab bites, fresh carrots, applesauce, whole grain pita
Thursday, December 19th Lunch (11 AM to Noon): lemon chicken, local green beans, honeydew chunks. Whole grain bread
Friday, December 20th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): three bean chili, fresh cucumbers, fruit salad, elbow macaroni
Weekly GPS Parent Coffee
Friday mornings we will be having parent coffees in the rotunda. Stop by, hang out, socialize with other GPS parents and get to know other adults in our community a lot better!!!!! We’ll supply the coffee and we’ll rotate who bring treats.
Last Tots Class for 1st Semester 9:30 – 10:30 AM
Second semester tots class will start Friday February 14th. Sign up now to save a spot for your tot!!
Literacy Enrichment Class (2:30 – 3:30 PM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Tot Shabbat
We invite you and your family to join together monthly for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers, songs and stories appropriate for Shabbat. The Tot Shabbat service is lead by Rabbi Max Weiss and Cantor Julie Green. Tot Shabbat service will be alternating monthly between Friday evening services beginning at 7:00 PM and Saturday morning services beginning at 9:00 AM. Following both evening and morning services we will have an Oneg in the Youth Lounge. If you plan to attend please bring a nut free snack to share. Please join us for December’s Tot Shabbat on Friday, December 20th at 7PM. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for the Oneg (parents of Ruby Walker).
Winter Break
Glasser Preschool is closed from Monday January 23rd through Friday January 3rd. Classes Resume on Monday January 6th.
OPT Religious School is closed starting Sunday, December 22nd. Classes Resume on Sunday, January 5th.