This week at Glasser Preschool (2/17/14)
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937
Welcome to Gavin Tobias and his family. Gavin has joined us in the Lions classroom.
Pursuant to the requirements of Illinois law, Oak Park Temple will be posting concealed carry prohibited signs on the entrances to the building.
Glasser Preschool‘s its annual Passover Candy Sale has begun – packets were sent home with the kids this week. We are selling Bartons Kosher for Passover confections. A substantial percentage of the money from the orders sold goes directly to Glasser Preschool so it is essential that as many families as possible participate in this fundraising effort. Order forms will be sent home with your child next week. All orders are due by February 28th.
Saturday, February 15th
February Gift Card $$ Due
Sunday, February 16th
OPT Annual Meeting
Join OPT at 10 AM on Sunday, February 16th for the Annual Congregational Meeting and a free light brunch . The election of new board of directors will occur at the meeting along with the presentation of awards and voting on OPT’s constitutional amendments.
Monday, February 17th
President’s Day
GPS Closed
Tuesday, February 18th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/SPARK (Noon to 1 PM): crispy chicken sandwich, fresh broccoli, whole banana, whole grain bun
Wednesday, February 19th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/ Music (noon to 1 PM/2:30 – 3:30 PM): farfalle with tomato cream sauce, local peas, orange slices
Thursday, February 20th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): Asian BBQ chicken, Asian veggie blend, fresh pineapple, whole grain bread
Sisterhood Movie Night
Join Oak Park Temple’s Sisterhood on Thursday, February 20th beginning at 6 PM for the movie “Hester Street.” Please RSVP to the Temple office.
Friday, February 21st
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): fish tenders, fresh cucumbers, fruit salad, whole grain bread
Tots Class 9:30 AM
Second semester tots classes will begin on Friday, February 14th and run through the end of the school year. The class will again be taught by Sari Haro and Lisa Katzman. Our tots class meets on Friday mornings and the child is accompanied by a parent or babysitter. There are still a few spots available – see Marci ASAP if you are interested in joining this class.
Weekly GPS Parent Coffee
Friday mornings we will be having parent coffees in the rotunda. Stop by, hang out, socialize with other GPS parents and get to know other adults in our community a lot better!!!!! We’ll supply the coffee and we’ll rotate who bring treats.
Literacy Enrichment Class (2:30 – 3:30 PM)
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Tot Shabbat
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat, our weekly day of rest, and to share the spirit of being together. The Service will be held at 7:00 PM and conclude about 7:30 PM with an Oneg, a time to have cookies and juice and quiet activities, in the Youth Lounge. We ask everyone who attends to bring a small nut free treat to share (a dozen or so cookies or fruit) Please join us for our next Tot Shabbat on Friday, February 21st at 7 PM. Thank you to our parent volunteers for the Oneg: Parents of Soren Rothbaum.
Saturday, February 22nd
Collaboration Symposium
Parents and educators of young children are
invited to attend the eleventh annual symposium sponsored by the Collaboration for Early Childhood Care and Education entitled “Play is Fundamental: Empowering Young Children through Active Exploration.” The Collaboration is a public/private partnership whose goal is to assure that all young children in our community have access to high quality, affordable early childhood care and education. It is happening on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 PM at Percy Julian Middle School, 416 S. Ridgeland in Oak Park. Registration forms were sent home with your child in January - see Marci if you need a new one.
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937
Welcome to Gavin Tobias and his family. Gavin has joined us in the Lions classroom.
Pursuant to the requirements of Illinois law, Oak Park Temple will be posting concealed carry prohibited signs on the entrances to the building.
Glasser Preschool‘s its annual Passover Candy Sale has begun – packets were sent home with the kids this week. We are selling Bartons Kosher for Passover confections. A substantial percentage of the money from the orders sold goes directly to Glasser Preschool so it is essential that as many families as possible participate in this fundraising effort. Order forms will be sent home with your child next week. All orders are due by February 28th.
Saturday, February 15th
February Gift Card $$ Due
Sunday, February 16th
OPT Annual Meeting
Join OPT at 10 AM on Sunday, February 16th for the Annual Congregational Meeting and a free light brunch . The election of new board of directors will occur at the meeting along with the presentation of awards and voting on OPT’s constitutional amendments.
Monday, February 17th
President’s Day
GPS Closed
Tuesday, February 18th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/SPARK (Noon to 1 PM): crispy chicken sandwich, fresh broccoli, whole banana, whole grain bun
Wednesday, February 19th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/ Music (noon to 1 PM/2:30 – 3:30 PM): farfalle with tomato cream sauce, local peas, orange slices
Thursday, February 20th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): Asian BBQ chicken, Asian veggie blend, fresh pineapple, whole grain bread
Sisterhood Movie Night
Join Oak Park Temple’s Sisterhood on Thursday, February 20th beginning at 6 PM for the movie “Hester Street.” Please RSVP to the Temple office.
Friday, February 21st
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): fish tenders, fresh cucumbers, fruit salad, whole grain bread
Tots Class 9:30 AM
Second semester tots classes will begin on Friday, February 14th and run through the end of the school year. The class will again be taught by Sari Haro and Lisa Katzman. Our tots class meets on Friday mornings and the child is accompanied by a parent or babysitter. There are still a few spots available – see Marci ASAP if you are interested in joining this class.
Weekly GPS Parent Coffee
Friday mornings we will be having parent coffees in the rotunda. Stop by, hang out, socialize with other GPS parents and get to know other adults in our community a lot better!!!!! We’ll supply the coffee and we’ll rotate who bring treats.
Literacy Enrichment Class (2:30 – 3:30 PM)
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Tot Shabbat
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat, our weekly day of rest, and to share the spirit of being together. The Service will be held at 7:00 PM and conclude about 7:30 PM with an Oneg, a time to have cookies and juice and quiet activities, in the Youth Lounge. We ask everyone who attends to bring a small nut free treat to share (a dozen or so cookies or fruit) Please join us for our next Tot Shabbat on Friday, February 21st at 7 PM. Thank you to our parent volunteers for the Oneg: Parents of Soren Rothbaum.
Saturday, February 22nd
Collaboration Symposium
Parents and educators of young children are
invited to attend the eleventh annual symposium sponsored by the Collaboration for Early Childhood Care and Education entitled “Play is Fundamental: Empowering Young Children through Active Exploration.” The Collaboration is a public/private partnership whose goal is to assure that all young children in our community have access to high quality, affordable early childhood care and education. It is happening on Saturday, February 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 PM at Percy Julian Middle School, 416 S. Ridgeland in Oak Park. Registration forms were sent home with your child in January - see Marci if you need a new one.