This week at Glasser Preschool (2/25/13)
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937
Our condolences to Gina Scala (Ms. Gina) on the death of her grandmother on February 19th.
We are looking for people to bake for the bake sale at our Joel Frankel concert on March 4th. Bake sale items should be individually packaged for sale (ex. Two cookies, a brownie, etc.) and must be accompanied by a list of ingredients for allergy purposes. If you are able to bake – please let Marci know. Thanks.
I ! Glasser Preschool Bumper Magnets are here!! Only $5 each – see Marci to get yours today!
Saturday, February 23rd
Collaboration Symposium
Parents and educators of young children are invited to attend the tenth annual symposium sponsored by the Collaboration for Early Childhood Care and Education entitled “Building Relationships in Early Childhood.” The Collaboration is a public/private partnership whose goal is to assure that all young children in our community have access to high quality, affordable early childhood care and education. It is happening on Saturday, February 23rd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 PM at Percy Julian Middle School, 416 S. Ridgeland in Oak Park. Registration forms were sent home with your child earlier in January - see Marci if you need a new one.
OPT Adult Purim Party
Join OPT for an adult Purim party: it’s trivia night. Cost is $25 per adult and includes one drink and dinner by Manny’s Deli. RSVP to the temple office ASAP.
Sunday, February 24th
Purim Shpiel & Carnival
See information below
February 24 is Purim!!
Yes, the holiday of Purim falls on a Sunday this year, so all of the festivities (with the exception of the Adult Purim party on Saturday night) will happen on Sunday February 24. It's Purim everyone wears a costume!
10:00 Purim Shpiel:
Hear a portion of the Megillah of Esther (Purim story from the Scroll of Esther) and see the grand opening presentation of our own award winning film production starring our own award winning OPT students!
10:45ish Carnival for kids & continued Megillah for adults:
Immediately after the Shpiel & film, our newly sustainable carnival doors will open in our classrooms & community hall and the adult Megillah reading with adult refreshments will continue in the adult education room.
Before the carnival [available now]:
Buy your admission bracelet in advance in the OPT office: $9 for everyone over the age of 5; $5 for children under the age of 5.
Admission price includes unlimited participation in all games (except cake walk) and the moonwalk. Parents do not need to purchase admission bracelet for themselves.
Day of carnival:
is: $12 everyone over the age of 5; $5 for children under 5
Cake walk tickets are sold separately 2 for $1
Lunch tickets are also sold separately $5 per person. Lunch is a mini sub sandwich, clementines, chips, drink & hamentaschen.
Glasser Preschool's Shushan Tie Dye
with All Tyed Up will be in the youth lounge. Proceeds from Shushan Tie Dye benefit Glasser Preschool. Please being a separate check or cash to participate.
On the day of the carnival please bring baked goods to the youth lounge for our cake walk. We need lots of baked goods for a fun cake walk! Please include a card with ingredients. Let us know if there are nuts, eggs or if it is a gluten free product.
New this year: a sustainable carnival
Each participant will receive a "passport". Instead of tokens, passports will be stamped at game stations. When a completed passport is brought to the prize station that child will receive one BIG prize. We are trying to eliminate the use of "landfill" prizes. There will be one prize station for children up to second grade and another prize station for children in second through sixth grades. As always we welcome donations of new games, toys, books and stuffed animals for use as prizes at our Purim Carnival.
Monday, February 25th
Tuesday, February 26th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): baked chicken nuggets, steamed carrots, fresh pineapple, whole grain bread
Wednesday, February 27th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to 12:45 PM): beefy sloppy joe, mixed veggies, fresh bananas, whole grain bun
Thursday, February 28th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): roast turkey with gravy, whipped potatoes, appleberry sauce, whole grain bread
Friday, March 1st
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): chili mac, fresh cauliflower, fruit salad, elbow macaroni
2nd Semester Tots Class Begins (9:30 – 10:30 AM)
See Marci if you are interested in enrolling and have not already done so!
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937
Our condolences to Gina Scala (Ms. Gina) on the death of her grandmother on February 19th.
We are looking for people to bake for the bake sale at our Joel Frankel concert on March 4th. Bake sale items should be individually packaged for sale (ex. Two cookies, a brownie, etc.) and must be accompanied by a list of ingredients for allergy purposes. If you are able to bake – please let Marci know. Thanks.
I ! Glasser Preschool Bumper Magnets are here!! Only $5 each – see Marci to get yours today!
Saturday, February 23rd
Collaboration Symposium
Parents and educators of young children are invited to attend the tenth annual symposium sponsored by the Collaboration for Early Childhood Care and Education entitled “Building Relationships in Early Childhood.” The Collaboration is a public/private partnership whose goal is to assure that all young children in our community have access to high quality, affordable early childhood care and education. It is happening on Saturday, February 23rd from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 PM at Percy Julian Middle School, 416 S. Ridgeland in Oak Park. Registration forms were sent home with your child earlier in January - see Marci if you need a new one.
OPT Adult Purim Party
Join OPT for an adult Purim party: it’s trivia night. Cost is $25 per adult and includes one drink and dinner by Manny’s Deli. RSVP to the temple office ASAP.
Sunday, February 24th
Purim Shpiel & Carnival
See information below
February 24 is Purim!!
Yes, the holiday of Purim falls on a Sunday this year, so all of the festivities (with the exception of the Adult Purim party on Saturday night) will happen on Sunday February 24. It's Purim everyone wears a costume!
10:00 Purim Shpiel:
Hear a portion of the Megillah of Esther (Purim story from the Scroll of Esther) and see the grand opening presentation of our own award winning film production starring our own award winning OPT students!
10:45ish Carnival for kids & continued Megillah for adults:
Immediately after the Shpiel & film, our newly sustainable carnival doors will open in our classrooms & community hall and the adult Megillah reading with adult refreshments will continue in the adult education room.
Before the carnival [available now]:
Buy your admission bracelet in advance in the OPT office: $9 for everyone over the age of 5; $5 for children under the age of 5.
Admission price includes unlimited participation in all games (except cake walk) and the moonwalk. Parents do not need to purchase admission bracelet for themselves.
Day of carnival:
is: $12 everyone over the age of 5; $5 for children under 5
Cake walk tickets are sold separately 2 for $1
Lunch tickets are also sold separately $5 per person. Lunch is a mini sub sandwich, clementines, chips, drink & hamentaschen.
Glasser Preschool's Shushan Tie Dye
with All Tyed Up will be in the youth lounge. Proceeds from Shushan Tie Dye benefit Glasser Preschool. Please being a separate check or cash to participate.
On the day of the carnival please bring baked goods to the youth lounge for our cake walk. We need lots of baked goods for a fun cake walk! Please include a card with ingredients. Let us know if there are nuts, eggs or if it is a gluten free product.
New this year: a sustainable carnival
Each participant will receive a "passport". Instead of tokens, passports will be stamped at game stations. When a completed passport is brought to the prize station that child will receive one BIG prize. We are trying to eliminate the use of "landfill" prizes. There will be one prize station for children up to second grade and another prize station for children in second through sixth grades. As always we welcome donations of new games, toys, books and stuffed animals for use as prizes at our Purim Carnival.
Monday, February 25th
Tuesday, February 26th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): baked chicken nuggets, steamed carrots, fresh pineapple, whole grain bread
Wednesday, February 27th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to 12:45 PM): beefy sloppy joe, mixed veggies, fresh bananas, whole grain bun
Thursday, February 28th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): roast turkey with gravy, whipped potatoes, appleberry sauce, whole grain bread
Friday, March 1st
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): chili mac, fresh cauliflower, fruit salad, elbow macaroni
2nd Semester Tots Class Begins (9:30 – 10:30 AM)
See Marci if you are interested in enrolling and have not already done so!
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.