Saturday, February 4th
OPT/GPS Auction
Maxwell Street to the Gold Coast - OPT/GPS Auction 2012. There will be live music, authentic Maxwell Street food, beer, wine, both a live and silent auction, and much, much, more. Don't miss out on our biggest and most fun fundraiser of the year!
Sunday, February 5th
Project Sandwich
Every month Oak Park Temple sponsors Project Sandwich, an easy way to get the whole family involved in social action to benefit the community. The lunches are distributed to the residents of the Outreach Mission on the West Side.
Monday, February 6th
Tuesday, February 7th
Lunch (11:00 - noon)/Extended Day (11:00 - 1:15): asian BBQ, asian veggies, pineapple, whole grain rolls
Wednesday, February 8th
GPS Lunch (11:00 - noon): creamy mac & cheese, local peas, fruit salad, whole grain bread
Tu B'Shvat
Tu B'Shvat is Jewish Arbor Day. It is also called the New Year of the Trees. The holiday is observed on the fifteenth day of the Hebrew Month of Shevat (which this year falls on February 8th.) Tu B'Shvat was originally an agricultural festival marking the emergence of spring in ancient Palestine. At that time, the tithes on the fruit crop were levied and sent to the Temple in Jerusalem. After the destruction of the Second Temple, Jews used this time each year to eat a variety of fruits and nuts that could be obtained from Palestine. The sixteenth and seventeenth century Kabalists (mystics) of Palestine elaborated on this custom and created a ritual for Tu B'Shvat similar to the Passover Seder. Today in modern Israel, Tu B'Shvat has become a national holiday. It is a tree planting festival for both Israelis and Jews throughout the world.
Thursday, February 9th
Lunch (11:00 - noon)/Extended Day (11:00 - 1:15): roast turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, local green beans, banana halves
Friday, February 10th
Scholastic Book Orders Due
You can order on line or by paper order. All books orders must be turned in by Friday, February 10th. Each dollar you spend at Scholastic Books allows us to earn points to purchase new books for our school. Please make checks payable to Scholastic Books.
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school meets at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration. Lions, Zebras, Tigers and Bears parents - please sign up outside your child's classroom to be the Shabbat Parent (or grandparent, aunt, etc.) of the week. Spend some time with your child's class and celebrate Shabbat with us.
Shabbat Kehillah
OPT's folk music friends will be hosting a Shabbat Kehillah dinner on February 10th at 6 PM. Shabbat Kehillah is OPT's Shabbat of Community. Come join us for a folk shabbat singalong, this month's Shabbat Kehillah, sponsored by a bunch of guitar-playing, singalong-loving folks at the temple. Everyone can sing along to this service, which will incorporate classic songs you already know and a few quick-to-learn new ones. Well be in the rotunda. Bring your instruments or just your voices and help us fill it with music and pray. RSVP for the dinner to the Temple office or online at