Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 Thank you to the Lamb family for hosting our Teacher Appreciation Night. Invitations for this important event will be sent home next week. Sunday, April 15th
April Gift Card $$ Due
Monday, April 16th
GPS Diversity Awareness Week
One of the goals that we strive for the children of Glasser Preschool is for them to obtain an understanding and appreciation of diversity. We want them to see and understand that each of us is unique and special. During the week of April 16th all classrooms will be focusing on diversity issues in different ways in their classrooms. As part of that diversity awareness - our children will all be participating in the MDA's Hopathon again this year.
We will be incorporating our Spring Tzedakah project into our study of diversity by participating in the Muscular Dystrophy Associations Hopathon. During the week of April 16th all of the children will participate in the Hopathon in their classrooms.
Your child will bring home a card indicating how many times they hopped We ask that you return your child's pledge form and pledges by April 30th. This money will be donated to MDA by Glasser Preschool as our spring Tzedakah project. Checks should be made payable to "Muscular Dystrophy Association." Participation is of course voluntary, but we hope that every child will collect pledges totaling at least $20.
We have chosen the MDA Hopathon for several reasons: it allows us a concrete way to discuss diversity and disability with the children, two alumni children of Glasser Preschool have muscular dystrophy; and it is a fun activity for the children.
Tuesday, April 17th
Lunch (11:00 - noon)/Extended Day (11:00 - 1:15): orange chicken, steamed broccoli, fresh pineapple, whole grain bread
MDA Hopathon Wheelchair presentation
The Muscular Dystrophy Association will coming to Glasser Preschool at 10 AM to do a short presentation to the children about muscular dystrophy.
Wednesday, April 18th
GPS Lunch (11:00 - noon): juicy grass fed beef burgers, corn, fresh apple slices, whole grain buns
Yom Hashoah Program 7PM
Thursday, April 19th
Lunch (11:00 - noon)/Extended Day (11:00 - 1:15): tandoori chicken, veggie blend, banana halves, naan bread
GPS Board Meeting
Our next Glasser Preschool Board meeting is on Thursday April 19th at 7:30 p.m. at Courtney Abrams home in Oak Park. All preschool teachers and parents are invited and encouraged to attend these monthly meetings. We are looking for new members to join our board for the 2012-2013 school year.
Friday, April 20th
Tots Class 9:30 - 10:30 AM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school meets at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration. Lions, Zebras, Tigers and Bears parents - please sign up outside your child's classroom to be the Shabbat Parent (or grandparent, aunt, etc.) of the week. Spend some time with your child's class and celebrate Shabbat with us.
Saturday, April 21st
Tot Shabbat 9 AM
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat and to share the spirit of being together. This year we will be alternating between Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat Services. Our April Tot Shabbat service will be held on Saturday, April 21st at 9AM. Following the morning services we will have an Oneg in the Youth Lounge. This is a time to have a snack and participate in quiet activities. The service and Oneg together will last about an hour. We ask everyone who attends to bring a small nut free treat to share at the Oneg. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for the Oneg: parents of Jonah Shankman.
Sunday, April 22nd
New Member Brunch 9:45 AM