This week at Glasser Preschool (4/29/13)
Sign up sheet to bring items for Teacher Appreciation Night or to help with set up or clean up is on Marci’s office door. Please sign up to help out with this wonderful event. Thanks.
Camp registration confirmations were sent home this week – please see Marci if you did not receive one and believe that you have registered for camp.
Sunday, April 28th
Israel Solidarity Day
Israel Solidarity Day is Sunday, April 28th at Ravina from noon to 4 PM with entertainment and festivities for all ages including a community-wide Walk with Israel. To register for the event or to reserve a seat on the bus going to Ravina leaving from West Suburban Temple go to
Monday, April 29th
Hadassah Program
On Monday, April 29th from 7 to 8:30 PM Leah Reicin, Hadassah’s National Educator will be joining us at OPT to do a dramatic book review about Yehyuda Avner’s book THE PRIME MINISTERS. Everyone is welcome. Dessert will be served.
Tuesday, April 30th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): rotini pasta with creamy alfredo, fresh cucumbers, pear slices
Pledges for Alyn Hospital Spring Tzedakah Project Due
Wednesday, May 1st Final Camp Payment Due
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to 12:45 PM): chicken teriyaki, fresh broccoli, pineapple, brown rice
Thursday, May 2nd Lunch (11 AM to Noon): mango glazed turkey, local green beans, fresh honeydew, whole grain bread
Parent/Teacher Conferences PM
Friday, May 3rd
Parent/Teacher Conferences AM
No GPS Classes – No Tots Class
GPS Yearbook Orders (discounted price of $20) Due
Dinner Reservations Due for May 10th Shabbat Kehillah Dinner
Tot Shabbat 7 PM
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat and to share the spirit of being together. The May Tot Shabbat will be held at 7:00 PM and conclude about 7:30 PM with an Oneg, a time to have cookies and juice and quiet activities, in the Youth Lounge. Please join us for the May Tot Shabbat on Friday, May 3rd. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for the Oneg: The Adelstein family. If you are planning to attend please bring a nut free treat to share.
Sunday, May 5th
Gan Orientation Orientation for our the incoming kindergarteners to our Oak Park Temple religious school will be held on Sunday morning. More information to follow.
Sign up sheet to bring items for Teacher Appreciation Night or to help with set up or clean up is on Marci’s office door. Please sign up to help out with this wonderful event. Thanks.
Camp registration confirmations were sent home this week – please see Marci if you did not receive one and believe that you have registered for camp.
Sunday, April 28th
Israel Solidarity Day
Israel Solidarity Day is Sunday, April 28th at Ravina from noon to 4 PM with entertainment and festivities for all ages including a community-wide Walk with Israel. To register for the event or to reserve a seat on the bus going to Ravina leaving from West Suburban Temple go to
Monday, April 29th
Hadassah Program
On Monday, April 29th from 7 to 8:30 PM Leah Reicin, Hadassah’s National Educator will be joining us at OPT to do a dramatic book review about Yehyuda Avner’s book THE PRIME MINISTERS. Everyone is welcome. Dessert will be served.
Tuesday, April 30th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): rotini pasta with creamy alfredo, fresh cucumbers, pear slices
Pledges for Alyn Hospital Spring Tzedakah Project Due
Wednesday, May 1st Final Camp Payment Due
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to 12:45 PM): chicken teriyaki, fresh broccoli, pineapple, brown rice
Thursday, May 2nd Lunch (11 AM to Noon): mango glazed turkey, local green beans, fresh honeydew, whole grain bread
Parent/Teacher Conferences PM
Friday, May 3rd
Parent/Teacher Conferences AM
No GPS Classes – No Tots Class
GPS Yearbook Orders (discounted price of $20) Due
Dinner Reservations Due for May 10th Shabbat Kehillah Dinner
Tot Shabbat 7 PM
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat and to share the spirit of being together. The May Tot Shabbat will be held at 7:00 PM and conclude about 7:30 PM with an Oneg, a time to have cookies and juice and quiet activities, in the Youth Lounge. Please join us for the May Tot Shabbat on Friday, May 3rd. Thank you in advance to our parent volunteers for the Oneg: The Adelstein family. If you are planning to attend please bring a nut free treat to share.
Sunday, May 5th
Gan Orientation Orientation for our the incoming kindergarteners to our Oak Park Temple religious school will be held on Sunday morning. More information to follow.