We are looking for someone to host Glasser Preschool Teacher Appreciation Night in their home. The event is scheduled for Thursday, May 16th. We ask our GPS Families to sign up to bring food, drink, and paper goods - the host family is not responsible for providing that. If you are interested in having this wonderful event in your home - please let Marci know ASAP. Thank you in advance.
If you have already registered for Camp Bet Yeladim 2013 - you will receive a confirmation card with your summer class assignment next week. If you would like your child to attend Camp Bet Yeladim, but have not yet registered - see Marci ASAP to make sure there is a spot for your child this summer. Final camp payment is due on May 1st.
Saturday, April 6th
Tot Shabbat 9 AM
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat and to share the spirit of being together. This year we will be alternating between Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat Services. Our April Tot Shabbat service will be held on Saturday, April 6th at 9AM. Following the morning services we will have an Oneg in the Youth Lounge. This is a time to have a snack and participate in quiet activities. The service and Oneg together will last about an hour. We ask everyone who attends to bring a small nut free treat to share at the Oneg.
Sunday, April 7th
Yom Hashoah Service & Speaker 10:30 AM
Sunday Morning, April 7 at 10:30am we will be observing Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial day at Oak Park Temple. We will have a brief service lighting our memorial candles and saying Kaddish and then we will hear from Holocaust refugee, Ruth Stern. All students fifth grade and older will be invited to join with our community's adults to participate in this program. There are not many years left that we will be able to learn directly from eyewitnesses to the events of the WWII so it is important that we hear from them first hand so we may become the witnesses.
Monday, April 8th
Tuesday, April 9th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): ravioli marinara, fresh cauliflower, fresh pineapple
Wednesday, April 10th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to 12:45 PM): bean & cheese burrito, sweet potatoes, banana
Thursday, April 11th Lunch (11 AM to Noon): turkey meatloaf muffin, mashed potato, fresh honeydew, whole grain bread
Friday, April 12th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): creamy mac & cheese, steamed broccoli, fruit salad
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Books orders must be turned in (or completed on line) by Friday, April 12th. Every dollar you spend allows us to earn free books for our school. For book orders turned in - Please make checks payable to Scholastic Books.
Tots Class 9:30 – 10:30 AM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
OPT Shabbat Kehillah
OPTY (Oak Park Temple Youth Group) is hosting a Shabbat Kehillah dinner on April 12th at 6 PM. Shabbat Kehillah is OPT’s Shabbat of Community. These 7PM Shabbat Services will feature Tsimmis, our congregation’s band, and will be preceded by a buffet dinner at 6:00 PM. Shabbat Kehillah dinners will be held on the Second Friday of each month. Cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children. RSVP on line at or contact the OPT office to make your reservation.
Sunday, April 14th
Parent Workshop
OPT Religious School and Glasser Preschool is excited to welcome Sheryl Stoller, PCI certified Parent Coach to bring in the rebirth or spring and of Shalom b’bayit, peace in your home. On Sunday morning April 14th from 10:15 to Noon, please join us for an exciting and useful parenting workshop “Create Customized Tools for Calm, Confident, Effective Communication.” There is no fee for the workshop – but please let Marci know if you plan to attend so we can have enough materials for everyone. Babysitting is available at Oak Park Temple on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to Noon for only $5 per child.
If you have already registered for Camp Bet Yeladim 2013 - you will receive a confirmation card with your summer class assignment next week. If you would like your child to attend Camp Bet Yeladim, but have not yet registered - see Marci ASAP to make sure there is a spot for your child this summer. Final camp payment is due on May 1st.
Saturday, April 6th
Tot Shabbat 9 AM
Monthly we invite you and your family to join together for a special Shabbat service for our little ones. It is designed to include simple prayers and songs appropriate for Shabbat and to share the spirit of being together. This year we will be alternating between Friday evening and Saturday morning Shabbat Services. Our April Tot Shabbat service will be held on Saturday, April 6th at 9AM. Following the morning services we will have an Oneg in the Youth Lounge. This is a time to have a snack and participate in quiet activities. The service and Oneg together will last about an hour. We ask everyone who attends to bring a small nut free treat to share at the Oneg.
Sunday, April 7th
Yom Hashoah Service & Speaker 10:30 AM
Sunday Morning, April 7 at 10:30am we will be observing Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial day at Oak Park Temple. We will have a brief service lighting our memorial candles and saying Kaddish and then we will hear from Holocaust refugee, Ruth Stern. All students fifth grade and older will be invited to join with our community's adults to participate in this program. There are not many years left that we will be able to learn directly from eyewitnesses to the events of the WWII so it is important that we hear from them first hand so we may become the witnesses.
Monday, April 8th
Tuesday, April 9th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): ravioli marinara, fresh cauliflower, fresh pineapple
Wednesday, April 10th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to 12:45 PM): bean & cheese burrito, sweet potatoes, banana
Thursday, April 11th Lunch (11 AM to Noon): turkey meatloaf muffin, mashed potato, fresh honeydew, whole grain bread
Friday, April 12th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): creamy mac & cheese, steamed broccoli, fruit salad
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Books orders must be turned in (or completed on line) by Friday, April 12th. Every dollar you spend allows us to earn free books for our school. For book orders turned in - Please make checks payable to Scholastic Books.
Tots Class 9:30 – 10:30 AM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
OPT Shabbat Kehillah
OPTY (Oak Park Temple Youth Group) is hosting a Shabbat Kehillah dinner on April 12th at 6 PM. Shabbat Kehillah is OPT’s Shabbat of Community. These 7PM Shabbat Services will feature Tsimmis, our congregation’s band, and will be preceded by a buffet dinner at 6:00 PM. Shabbat Kehillah dinners will be held on the Second Friday of each month. Cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children. RSVP on line at or contact the OPT office to make your reservation.
Sunday, April 14th
Parent Workshop
OPT Religious School and Glasser Preschool is excited to welcome Sheryl Stoller, PCI certified Parent Coach to bring in the rebirth or spring and of Shalom b’bayit, peace in your home. On Sunday morning April 14th from 10:15 to Noon, please join us for an exciting and useful parenting workshop “Create Customized Tools for Calm, Confident, Effective Communication.” There is no fee for the workshop – but please let Marci know if you plan to attend so we can have enough materials for everyone. Babysitting is available at Oak Park Temple on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to Noon for only $5 per child.