This week at Glasser Preschool (5/13/13)
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 Sign up sheet to bring items for Teacher Appreciation Night or to help with set up or clean up is on Marci’s office door. Please sign up to help out with this wonderful event.
Camp Bet Yeladim Information packets were sent home this week for all children who have registered for camp. Please make sure you take the time to read all the information ASAP. Thanks.
At your parent/teacher conferences you were given a pink Family Survey to complete. This Family Survey is to help us find out how well we are meeting the needs of our children and families at Glasser Preschool. Please complete the survey and feel free to add any comments. You do not need to put your name on the survey. Please return the completed survey to Marci by the last day of class. Thank you advance for your participation and help in this process.
Saturday, May 11th
Sara Flynn’s Bat Mitzvah
Sunday, May 12th
Happy Mother’s Day
Pick up Salami Orders at OPT
Monday, May 13th
Sisterhood Book Club
Join OPT sisterhood on Monday, May 13th at 7:30 PM at OPT to discuss Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman. Please contact Sheila Pont as with questions.
Tuesday, May 14th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): pasta shells with three cheese sauce, fresh broccoli, orange slices
Erev Shavuot
See information at end of this e mail about erev Shavuot activities planned by Oak Park Temple.
Wednesday, May 15th Shavuot – 10 AM Service at OPT GPS Closed
Thursday, May 16th Lunch (11 AM to Noon): tandoori chicken, local carrots, fresh honeydew, naan bread
Teacher Appreciation Night
Glasser Preschool parents - please join us for this special adult evening where we will honor our wonderful preschool teachers. It’s Thursday evening May 16th from 7-9 PM at The Lebovitz/Myers family’s home in Oak Park.
Friday, May 17th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): fish tenders, fresh cucumbers, fruit salad
Last Tots Class 9:30 – 10:30 AM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Sunday, May 19th
Last Day of OPT Religious School
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 Sign up sheet to bring items for Teacher Appreciation Night or to help with set up or clean up is on Marci’s office door. Please sign up to help out with this wonderful event.
Camp Bet Yeladim Information packets were sent home this week for all children who have registered for camp. Please make sure you take the time to read all the information ASAP. Thanks.
At your parent/teacher conferences you were given a pink Family Survey to complete. This Family Survey is to help us find out how well we are meeting the needs of our children and families at Glasser Preschool. Please complete the survey and feel free to add any comments. You do not need to put your name on the survey. Please return the completed survey to Marci by the last day of class. Thank you advance for your participation and help in this process.
Saturday, May 11th
Sara Flynn’s Bat Mitzvah
Sunday, May 12th
Happy Mother’s Day
Pick up Salami Orders at OPT
Monday, May 13th
Sisterhood Book Club
Join OPT sisterhood on Monday, May 13th at 7:30 PM at OPT to discuss Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman. Please contact Sheila Pont as with questions.
Tuesday, May 14th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): pasta shells with three cheese sauce, fresh broccoli, orange slices
Erev Shavuot
See information at end of this e mail about erev Shavuot activities planned by Oak Park Temple.
Wednesday, May 15th Shavuot – 10 AM Service at OPT GPS Closed
Thursday, May 16th Lunch (11 AM to Noon): tandoori chicken, local carrots, fresh honeydew, naan bread
Teacher Appreciation Night
Glasser Preschool parents - please join us for this special adult evening where we will honor our wonderful preschool teachers. It’s Thursday evening May 16th from 7-9 PM at The Lebovitz/Myers family’s home in Oak Park.
Friday, May 17th
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): fish tenders, fresh cucumbers, fruit salad
Last Tots Class 9:30 – 10:30 AM
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Sunday, May 19th
Last Day of OPT Religious School