This week at Glasser Preschool (9/16/13)
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 We are off to a great start for the school year!!!! We are happy that so many of you were able to join us Wednesday for our “Back to School Picnic.” Check out the photos on the Berkshire entrance door!
Saturday, September 14th
Yom Kippur
Tot Service at 8:30 AM; Shacharit (Morning Service) at 10 AM;
Afternoon, Yizkor & Neilah at 3:30 PM
Monday, September 16th
Gan Katan MWF class 8:30 – 10 AM
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): cheese ravioli with marinara, fresh broccoli, fresh pineapple
Auction Meeting Interested in getting more involved at Glasser Preschool and Oak Park Temple? Auction 2014 is set for February 1, 2014 and we are looking for volunteers to help with planning. Please join us at a planning meeting on Monday, September 16th at 7PM at Glasser/OPT.
Tuesday, September 17th
Gan Katan Tues/Thurs class 8:30 – 10 AM
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/SPARK (Noon to 1 PM): veggie pot pie, local green beans, orange slices, fresh basked biscuit
Fire Drill
We will be having our monthly fire drill (after the Gan Katan children leave).
GPS Board Meeting
The Glasser Preschool Board holds monthly meetings. September’s meeting is on September 17th at 7:30 PM at Joanna Ardell’s home in Oak Park. All preschool parents and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend these monthly meetings.
Wednesday, September 18th Gan Katan MWF class 8:30 – 10 AM
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to1 PM or 2:30 – 3:30 PM): turkey meatloaf muffins, local peas, honeydew melon, whole grain bread
OPT Sukkot Service 7 PM
Thursday, September 19th GPS CLOSED – SUKKOT
Sukkot Service 10 AM
Friday, September 20th
Gan Katan T/Th class 8:30 – 10 AM
Mon/Wed/Fri Gan Katan class will NOT be meeting today
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): cheesy quesadillas, squash medley, fruit salad
Afternoon Literacy Class (2:30 – 3:30 PM)
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Scholastic Book order form will be sent with your newsletter every month. This is a special book club for preschoolers. For each dollar you spend, Glasser Preschool receives points towards free books for the school. The books are great and inexpensive. Book orders can be placed by paper order or on line. Attached to this month’s book orders are the directions for placing on line orders. Books orders (either paper or on line) must be turned in by September 20th. If you are placing a “paper order” please make checks payable to Scholastic Books.
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.
Glasser Preschool, 1235 N. Harlem Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302. (708) 386-3937 We are off to a great start for the school year!!!! We are happy that so many of you were able to join us Wednesday for our “Back to School Picnic.” Check out the photos on the Berkshire entrance door!
Saturday, September 14th
Yom Kippur
Tot Service at 8:30 AM; Shacharit (Morning Service) at 10 AM;
Afternoon, Yizkor & Neilah at 3:30 PM
Monday, September 16th
Gan Katan MWF class 8:30 – 10 AM
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): cheese ravioli with marinara, fresh broccoli, fresh pineapple
Auction Meeting Interested in getting more involved at Glasser Preschool and Oak Park Temple? Auction 2014 is set for February 1, 2014 and we are looking for volunteers to help with planning. Please join us at a planning meeting on Monday, September 16th at 7PM at Glasser/OPT.
Tuesday, September 17th
Gan Katan Tues/Thurs class 8:30 – 10 AM
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/SPARK (Noon to 1 PM): veggie pot pie, local green beans, orange slices, fresh basked biscuit
Fire Drill
We will be having our monthly fire drill (after the Gan Katan children leave).
GPS Board Meeting
The Glasser Preschool Board holds monthly meetings. September’s meeting is on September 17th at 7:30 PM at Joanna Ardell’s home in Oak Park. All preschool parents and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend these monthly meetings.
Wednesday, September 18th Gan Katan MWF class 8:30 – 10 AM
Lunch (11 AM to Noon)/Music (Noon to1 PM or 2:30 – 3:30 PM): turkey meatloaf muffins, local peas, honeydew melon, whole grain bread
OPT Sukkot Service 7 PM
Thursday, September 19th GPS CLOSED – SUKKOT
Sukkot Service 10 AM
Friday, September 20th
Gan Katan T/Th class 8:30 – 10 AM
Mon/Wed/Fri Gan Katan class will NOT be meeting today
Lunch (11 AM to Noon): cheesy quesadillas, squash medley, fruit salad
Afternoon Literacy Class (2:30 – 3:30 PM)
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Scholastic Book order form will be sent with your newsletter every month. This is a special book club for preschoolers. For each dollar you spend, Glasser Preschool receives points towards free books for the school. The books are great and inexpensive. Book orders can be placed by paper order or on line. Attached to this month’s book orders are the directions for placing on line orders. Books orders (either paper or on line) must be turned in by September 20th. If you are placing a “paper order” please make checks payable to Scholastic Books.
GPS Shabbat
Every Friday the entire school will meet at 10:30 AM/2:00 PM in the Chapel to celebrate Shabbat together. Please feel free to join us in this singing celebration.